#PreColonialAfrica #BlackHistoryMonth #SankofaStudent #OriginalPeople #Melanin #LebomboBone #IshangoBone #ElisClainGroup

Image Courtesy of The African Script
Pre-Colonial Africa is the fourth activity in the ECG Black History Month (BHM) series. Starting with:
Activity #1: The Original People
Activity #2: What Makes Black People Black
Activity #3: The Lebombo & Ishango Bones
This 20-Activity series provides supplemental learning for each school day of the month of February 2023. The first activity was FREE but each subsequent activity will be offered at a discount during BHM. Activities will be uploaded throughout the month of February. Come back each day for the latest activity.
The activities contain a vocabulary section to ensure students are comprehending the material, a reading section which includes much of the vocabulary and introduces students to the topic, a STEM section which requires students to scientifically think about the material and may include vocabulary, and a writing section which requires students to reflect on the material or answer the prompt using evidence or by making inferences.
The Brief Student Reading:
Before Europeans found access to and invaded Africa, they came as explorers and pretended to be friends of the African people.
During the time of exploration, early European maps of Africa portray the lands with their native names and many drawings show the well planned civil engineering of African cities.
The pre-historic Twa people (sometimes known as Pygmies) spread civilization throughout Europe. The early Ethiopic kingdoms of Kush and Kemet are legendary and Later kingdoms flourished in Central North African cities such as Carthage. In West Africa, kingdoms such as Old Ghana, Songhai and Mali thrived, while in the South, Great Zimbabwe and the Zulu nations ruled.
Gold and diamonds were in abundance and the African people enjoyed prosperity. The Europeans found out about the wealth of Africa and wanted it for themselves. They invaded with guns and conquered much of Africa.
End of Brief Student Reading!
10 Ancient African Civilizations Outside Of Egypt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9k8EZN2B3w
Most Powerful African Kingdoms [Pre Colonial Time]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXQW1ZRmsw4
Image Courtesy of The African Script