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Reparations Committees

This page is meant to connect the groups working towards reparations due to the horrific devastation caused by the Maafa! 


A delegate from each organization should be present at the National Reparations Conferences!  




Read these important documents:


First & Final Reports of the African Heritage Reparation Assembly of Amherst, Massachusetts (September 26, 2023) 


California Task Force to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans  


H.R.40: Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act 


H.R.4321 - No Bailouts for Reparations Act  



Connecting the Black Dots!

Organizations Working Towards Reparations!


Afrodescendant Nation   |

“Our Mission is to unify Afrodescendants around the issues of self-determination, Human Rights and reparations for the development of a Nation with peace and liberty through fair, equitable and just laws.” The Nation requests participation in the National Plebiscite Campaign.



First Repair  |

“FirstRepair was founded by Robin Rue Simmons, a former Evanston, Illinois alderman and the architect of the nation’s first government-funded reparations program. Robin’s “solutions only” leadership style has inspired the services of FirstRepair including sharing best practices, creating tools, and developing a viable model to advance local reparations policy.”  



Foundational Black Americans (FBA)  |

"Foundational Black Americans are the descendants of the Black people who survived one the greatest atrocities in recorded history-American slavery. FBA are the descendants of the Black people who built the United States from scratch. But this history did not start in 1619. The history of FBA started almost 100 years earlier." The FBA hold rallies for reparations



The Fund for Reparations NOW! (FFRN!)  |

FFRN "is an intergenerational community of white people working in solidarity with the National African American Reparations Commission (NAARC). Following NAARC’s Black leadership, FFRN! is dedicated to the immediate implementation of the 10-Point Plan, modeling now what reparations will look like when they are formally granted from the federal government."



National Black Cultural Information (NBCI) Trust  |

"The National Black Cultural Information Trust (NBCI Trust) is a non-profit organization that uses cultural communications, media, education, storytelling, and community events to share information and resources that uplift the collective freedom of Black communities." The NBCI holds a live Reparation Information Thought Series. 



 National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N'COBRA)  |

"The Mission of the National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (NCOBRA) is
to win full Reparations for Black African Descendants residing in the United States and
its territories for the genocidal war against Africans that created the TransAtlantic Slave
“Trade” Chattel Slavery, Jim Crow and Chattel Slavery’s continuing vestiges (the



National African American Reparations Commission (NAARC)   |

“Established in 2015, the National African American Reparations Commission is a group of distinguished professionals from across the country with outstanding accomplishments in the fields of law, medicine, journalism, academia, history, civil rights and social justice advocacy.”  



Reparations 4 Slavery   |

A portal for white families walking the path of racial healing through engaging i direct repair. 



Reparations Education Project   |

“The Reparation Education Project specializes in presentations and training on reparations to non-profit organizations, federal, state, and municipal government, educational and religious institutions, businesses and celebrity influencers, philanthropy, and private estates. REP also serves as a trusted advisor and strategic thought partner and brings to the table indispensable capacities for successful cross-sector collaboration.”    



Reparations United   |  

"The goal of full reparations is to “wipe out all consequences” of the crimes and wrongful acts, which include engaging in – cessation and guarantees and assurances of non-repetition, restitution, compensation, satisfaction, and rehabilitation." Get their Reparations Toolkit here. 





Get involved in the movement! 





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