#FakeWins #Symbolic Victories @BlackHistoryMonth #ElisClainGoup

Photo taken from Facebook!
Fake Wins and symbolic victories is about what Black America really needs and is the 18th activity in the ECG Black History Month (BHM) series. Starting with:
Activity #1: The Original People
Activity #2: What Makes Black People Black
Activity #3: The Lebombo & Ishango Bones
Activity #4: Pre-Colonial Africa
Activity #5: The African Diaspora
Activity #6: Slavery in the Americas
Activity #7: The Power of the Reconstruction Era
Activity #8: More on the Black Codes and Jim Crow
Activity #9: Anti-Black Racist Propaganda
Activity #10: Blacks As Artists and Subjects
Activity #11: Culture and Music Innovators
Activity #12: Fashion Trend Setters
Activity #13: Researching Your Genealogy
Activity#14: Amazing African Genetics
Activity#15: Some of the First Teachers (After Moms)
Activity #16: The Great Repair
Activity#18: What More Can Black People Do?
This 20-Activity series provides supplemental learning for each school day of the month of February 2023. The first activity is FREE but each subsequent activity will be offered at a discount during BHM. Activities will be uploaded throughout the month of February. Come back each day for the latest activity.
The activities contain a vocabulary section to ensure students are comprehending the material, a reading section which includes much of the vocabulary and introduces students to the topic, a STEM section which requires students to scientifically think about the material and may include vocabulary, and a writing section which requires students to reflect on the material or answer the prompt using evidence or by making inferences.
The Brief Student Reading!
Malcolm X, later known as El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, stated, “The white man will try to satisfy us with symbolic victories rather than economic equity and justice.”
A social media meme gives us an example of symbolic victories in a picture. The image shows a little boy skipping over several labeled stairs as he climbs them. He skips over Voting Rights, Stopping Police Violence, and Reparations. The boy lands on Making Juneteenth A National Holiday.
This image illustrates what El-Shabazz so eloquently stated above.

Safeguarding the voting rights of black people will most likely get more black people elected into office and that is why the voting rights of black people have been limited.
Stopping police brutality and police harassment will save more black lives and keep more black people out of jail. Jail is the only place where slavery in legal in the U.S.A.
Black people have been denied reparations since the end of the Civil War
Photo taken from Facebook!
(1861-1865). Reparations are supposed to help close the wealth gap between black and white people.
To appease black people, the government passed the law to make Juneteenth a national holiday. That was the the least needed desire.
End of Brief Student Reading!
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